Explore some of my latest creations

I’ve worked on lots of side projects but these are some of the ones I have released within the past year. All of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, a ⭐️ on GitHub or a share on social platforms will go a long way. Please check out the code and contribute if you have any ideas.

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    An AI bot made for the command line that can read and understand any of your codebases.


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    Cache Machine

    Cache Machine allows you to easily "withdraw" and "deposit" cache in your Laravel projects.


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    Property Picker

    Property Picker is a browser extension that makes finding a home on Zoopla & Rightmove so much easier with instant affordability information.


  • 🎨

    Filament Image Optimizer

    Optimise your Filament images before they reach your database.
